VISTAS North Hollywood - Adult Day Program

VISTAS North Hollywood is a behavior-management day treatment program that combines classes and activities held at the program, as well as a variety of community-integrated activities. The program opened its doors in 1985. Consumers participate in a myriad of social and recreational activities both at the program and in the community with an emphasis on helping them cultivate important life skills related to socialization, anger-management, independent-living, and community-integration. VISTAS staff members are trained to provide consumers with the highest level of behavioral and emotional support. This program over the years has had enormous success helping consumers make remarkable improvements and realize their hopes and dreams!

Cinema Class, VISTAS Pictas
In the spirit of Person Centered Services. SHS regularly asks our consumers if they have ideas for new additions to our program curriculum. One of our biggest hits before the pandemic was Cinema Class.
Yanett Perez
Senior Program Director
Yanett Perez is the program director for VISTAS North Hollywood. Yanett has worked at VISTAS since 2015. She possesses excellent leadership and supervisory skills. Her work with the consumers is exceptional and she consistently demonstrates an innate ability to skillfully work with and help consumers with severe behavioral and emotional challenges. Yanett is adored by not only the consumers, but their family members and care-providers as well. Yanett regularly goes above and beyond the duties of her job to ensure that consumers receive the highest level of support and care. Yanett’s colorful personality, strong work ethic and commitment to enhance the lives of the consumers is the driving force behind the outstanding behavioral support services the VISTAS North Hollywood program provides!

Gustavo Mora
Assistant Program Director
Gustavo Mora, better known as “Gus” has been with Specialized Health Services since 2015. Everyone loves Gus for his kind, calm and supportive manner which undoubtedly contributes to a very positive and upbeat work environment as well as helping the consumers improve emotionally and behaviorally. Because of his outstanding performance as a counselor over the past 7 years, Gus recently received a well-deserved promotion to assistant program director. The VISTAS family is very grateful to have Gus and appreciates the amazing work he is doing for the consumers and the agency!
Meet Our North Hollywood Team

Sylvester "Sly" R.

Stephanie P.

Eriberto P.

Service Dog